Approved by EiMAS with 6 CPD Certificate in hardcopy and softcopy Fully claim under HRDCorp Claimable Location: ECC Training Centre: 10A, Jln Sasa 4, Tmn Gaya, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor.
Scheduled Wastes Storage design, upgrade & inspection workshop offers numerous benefits that can help organizations improve compliance, safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility in managing scheduled wastes. We also wil cover for Introduction to the fundamentals and basic principles of Environmental Quality Act 1974 and introduce to the organization and related personnel the knowledge and skill in daily Scheduled Wastes Management.
Participant will gain comprehensive knowledge of relevant regulations and standards governing scheduled waste storage design, upgrade, and inspection, ensuring compliance with legal requirements. Explore various strategies and techniques for upgrading existing scheduled waste storage facilities to enhance safety, functionality, and environmental sustainability. Participants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to design, upgrade, and inspect scheduled waste storage facilities effectively, ensuring compliance with regulations and best practices while minimizing environmental impact and promoting safety.
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